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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cure Anxiety Permanently - 3 Useful and Effective Anxiety Self Help Tips by johnpolish

Anxiety can both save and ruin your life. It can save your life in times of real trouble such as running away from a bear or buckling your seat belt to prevent injuries from car accident. It becomes a problem when you cannot stop worrying and unable to function normally. When you are in excess of worry and short in actions, it should be an indication that the amount of worry you have is not healthy. You can probably use several tricks on anxiety self help tips.

Anxiety Self Help Tip #1: Guard your thoughts

It all starts from a simple thought escalating to fears that might or might not happen. Your best bet in controlling your worry is to control your thoughts. Be observant on what comes in and out of your mind. Worries are the main fuel of fears. Here are some ideas in guarding your thoughts:

- You are always free to choose. Don't let your thoughts control you, control them.
- When your attention wanders, pull it back to your goal
- Always ask yourself if there is a real threat. Provide valid evidence for your fear.
- See problems as opportunities. Only in darkness your star will shine the brightest.

Anxiety Self Help Tip #2: Learn to Relax

The symptoms of anxiety are laden with different physical reactions that might not be good for your health. The purpose of anxiety as defensive mechanism should only be used on real threats. However, if you are a habitual worrier, you are putting your body under lots of stress constantly. Learn to counter the physical reactions such as irregular heartbeat, dizziness, tensing muscles, and stomach discomforts. You can try some of these ideas:

- Meditations are believed to lessen the amount of anxiety. It is a process that relieves the mind by not stressing it to think of anything. There are many kinds of meditation but the bottom line is you'll be focusing your mind away from your worries.
- Deep breathing allows you to focus on your breath rather than your worries. It can help you counter some symptoms due to the respiratory changes in your body. It makes certain symptoms to disappear such as dizziness, light headedness, and numbness of fingers and toes.

Anxiety Self Help Tip #3: Avoid things that increases your worries

There are certain things that increase your rate of worry. These can be from beverages you drink, foods that you eat, or even from the things you see.
- Caffeine is known to increase anxiety and nervousness. Caffeine can be found on coffee, soda, tea, and some candies.
- Sugars can affect your insulin level. These may result to changes such as mood swings. Avoid consuming refined carbohydrates from cakes, pastries, and most conventional foods.
- Alcohols are popular choices for calming the nerves. However, its effect only last for a brief period and wears off immediately. Avoid using alcohol as a solution for your anxiety. It can easily be abused and the results are not worth the problems that may arise once you become dependent on it.
Drinking alcohol should not be one of your anxiety self help solutions.

Learn more powerful anxiety self-help techniques in our FREE 6 Days Natural Anxiety Treatment Mini Course. You may also want to see the complete self-help treatment course - The Holistic Treatment, find out how to get this 103 pages eBook course for FREE!

Article Source: articledashboard.com

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